Feedburner uses wrong HTTP-Status for Feed-Items?

Published 2005-10-28, 19:46

I just did a small blog-ego-search on German search engine Seekport: http://seekport.de/q?query=betamode

On place 5 of the results I found a link to Nicole Simon’s weblog Ideengeberin.de, or to be precise: the post Skypalbay where I left a trackback. But in Seekport the link isn’t listet with the correct permalink http://ideengeberin.de/blog/artikel-129.html but http://feeds.feedburner.com/ideengeberin?m=33.

At first I thought Seekport also suffers the 301 redirection bug that Google once did, replacing the real URLs with redirects pointing to is. But no, it’s not Seekport – Feedburner is redirecting the users using a status 302 moved temporarily:

GET /ideengeberin?m=33 HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*
Referer: http://seekport.de/q?query=betamode
Accept-Language: de
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; i-NavFourF; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Host: feeds.feedburner.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 17:39:45 GMT
Server: Apache
Location: http://ideengeberin.de/blog/artikel-129.html
Content-Length: 0
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/plain

I think that’s wrong. The item is not only temporarily available under the URL http://ideengeberin.de/blog/artikel-129.html, it will stay there permanently. So Feedburner should use a „301 Moved Permanently“ to not harm its users in search engines.


Topic(s): Kram 7 comments - :)

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  1. ( 1 )

    Mailed this posting to Feedburner half an hour ago, just got a reply from Feedburner CEO Dick Costolo. Wow, that’s fast.

    He says „the 302 is entirely intentional and there are a number of reasons for this.“ I’ll get a second message with an explanation.

    Hope I didn’t disgrace myself 🙂

    Comment von Jan am 28. Oktober 2005

  2. ( 2 )

    How did you go about finding the 302 redirect?

    Comment von gsyi am 28. Oktober 2005

  3. ( 3 )

    I still use Internet Explorer most the time (shame on me!) and so I used ieHTTPHeaders to monitor the headers sent.

    But you could also use a local proxy (Proxomitron) or, if you’re using Firefox, one of the many developer extensions.

    Comment von Jan am 29. Oktober 2005

  4. ( 4 )

    At the moment I´m using the firefox extension web developer, but unfortunately I can´t look up the http headers infomation with it…

    Comment von gsyi am 29. Oktober 2005

  5. ( 5 )

    Oh yeah, I´ve just found the feature, it´s unter „information“ 🙂

    Comment von gsyi am 29. Oktober 2005

  6. ( 6 )

    Yes, it is the feature for counting the clickthrough, which means, that search engines who feed from the rss feed and links will keep the ‚wrong‘ address.

    thanks for the reminder, I wanted to turn that thing off a long time ago, because I never use it. 🙂

    Comment von Nicole Simon am 31. Oktober 2005

  7. ( 7 )

    Oh, so Feedburner also has the option to use a 301 Moved permanently redirect if you dont want to count the clickthroughs?

    Comment von Jan am 31. Oktober 2005

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