Overview of the trakt.tv API Concepts and Endpoints

Published 2017-07-03, 17:24

trakt.tv offers a very comprehensive API with an amazing documentation. But thorough as it is – and the technical details like authentication, data formats, parameters etc. are really, really well covered – it can also feel a bit overwhelming when you jump in and want to get a first overview, or are only looking for some specific data or type of data.

As I just did exactly that, I went through the whole documentation and extracted the most relevant information. The order of this article, especially the API endpoints, follows the official API documentation. I only added some more headlines to group the endpoints in a better way:


The API only defines some terms in „Terminology“, but there is a lot more to understand what there is and how it is all connected:

Use the checkboxes next to the terms to deactivate them in the list below. You can also set if they only should be deactivated or completely hidden.

Emojis Legend

These Emojis are used in the official documentation to indicate what functionality is offered by or needed for an endpoint.

Data Endpoints

These return the nitty-gritty of Trakt: Lots of data about shows and movies and all the things related to them:

User Endoints

If it matters which user is logged in via OAuth, these endpoints are collected here:

Master Data Endpoints

These endpoints offer mostly static data that should be retrieved once and then be cached for further use:

And that’s it! All essential API endpoints of the trakt.tv API, groupd by type and explained a bit more.

Topic(s): Kram, Link, Research No comments - :(

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