Create normal and admin taskbar shortcuts for the same program (e.g. cmd.exe) in Windows 10

Published 2019-09-21, 20:27

On my new Windows machine I try to use the package manager Chocolatey to install all programs. As it requires an administrative cmd.exe or PowerShell, I had the problem of wanting two shortcuts in my taskbar – one for installing programs, and another one for then using the command line normally.

This unfortunately is not as easy as it sounds, as if you just try to create a second shortcut by searching for the program, then using right click to „pin to taskbar“ it will recognize a shortcut already exists and only allows you to remove it – no matter if you changed it to run as administrator or not.

Fortunately you can work around that: Create a new shortcut manually (for example on your desktop), point it to cmd.exe /k and name it „Command Prompt (Admin)“ and then pin that to the taskbar additionally to the existing one. The param is standard anyway (as far as I know – no negative side effects observed until now), but it will make the shortcut different enough for Windows letting you do that.

Topic(s): Kram, Notiz No comments - :(

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